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- Aerial Photograph115
- Publication Date...
- Publisher...
- Location...
- Whangarei 114
- Whangareri 1
- Collections...
- Audio10
- Date...
- 2009 2
- 15 July 2009 1
- 15 May 2009 1
- 16 July 2009 1
- 17 July 2009 1
- 19 May 2009 1
- 2 May 2009 1
- 23 November 2009 1
- 29 April 2009 1
- Interviewer...
- Collections...
- Subject/Keywords...
- Honouring Seniors 10
- Interview 10
- Oral History 10
- Date...
- Clipping521
- Author/Creator...
- Florence Keene 433
- Date Taken...
- 1900 6
- 1875 3
- 1898 3
- 1901 3
- 1973 3
- 1880 2
- 1880's 2
- 1881 2
- 1885 2
- 1890 2
- 1896 2
- 1900s 2
- 1902 2
- 1906 2
- 1907 2
- 1870 1
- 1870s 1
- 1871 1
- 1883 1
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- 1920s 1
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- 1931 1
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- 1975 1
- 1977 1
- ca1897 1
- ca1898 1
- ca1900 1
- ca1919 1
- early 1920s 1
- end of last century 1
Show More - Date of Publication...
- 10 March 1956 3
- 1956 2
- 1 February 1967 1
- 1/07/1972 1
- 11/05/1974 1
- 11/11/1972 1
- 12/08/1978 1
- 13 March 1956 1
- 13/03/1971 1
- 14/03/1970 1
- 14/03/1973 1
- 15/05/1971 1
- 16/09/1972 1
- 16/12/1972 1
- 18/05/1974 1
- 19/08/1972 1
- 19/09/1970 1
- 21/10/1972 1
- 22/09/1972 1
- 25/09/1976 1
- 26/11/1977 1
- 27/04/1974 1
- 3/04/1971 1
- 4/03/1972 1
- 4/12/1976 1
- 5 November 1977 1
- 5/08/1972 1
- 7/04/1973 1
- 7/12/1974 1
- 9 March 1956 1
- 9/11/1974 1
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- Subject/Keywords...
- Author/Creator...
- Collection19
- Collections...
- Northland Room 10
- Northern Advocate 2
- Northern Advocate Sports Supplement (Sport Northland) 2
- Scrapbook Collection 2
- Florence Keene Scrapbooks 1
- Garry Frew's Sporting History 1
- Heritage Talks 1
- Northland Photo News 1
- Northland Road Maps 1
- Scrapbook Collections 1
- Topographical Maps 1
- Whangarei Photo News 1
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- 1960s New Zealand 2
- Northern Advocate 2
- Social aspects 2
- Sports events 2
- Weddings 2
- 1970s New Zealand 1
- Bay of Islands 1
- Churches 1
- City halls 1
- Dance competitions 1
- Dolphins 1
- Dramatic and operatic events 1
- Far North District 1
- Historical photos 1
- Hospitals 1
- Livestock and poultry shows 1
- Natural history 1
- Newspaper 1
- Notebooks 1
- Opo (Dolphin) 1
- Parks and reserves 1
- Parks and reserves management 1
- Schools 1
- Scrapbooks 1
- Sport Northland 1
- Sporting Publications 1
- Sports 1
- Whangarei entertainment 1
- Whangarei industry 1
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- Collections...
- Correspondence5
- Date...
- 15 March 1956 1
- 1997 1
- 20 March 1956 1
- 22 March 1956 1
- 25 July 1997 1
- Author/Creator...
- Recipient...
- Collections...
- People...
- Subject/Keywords...
- Date...
- Diary7
- District Promotions27
- Date...
- 2020 1
- Author...
- Publisher...
- Location...
- AH Reed Memorial Park 1
- Bland Bay, Whangaruru 1
- Claphams National Clock Museum 1
- Langs Beach, Waipu 1
- Matapouri Beach 1
- Moureeses Bay, Whananaki 1
- Ngunguru, Tutukaka Coast 1
- Oakura Bay 1
- Otamure Bay, Whananaki 1
- Otuihau - Whangarei Falls 1
- Poor Knights Islands Marine Reserve 1
- Riverside, Onerahi 1
- Ruakaka Beach 1
- The Hatea Loop, Whangarei Town Basin 1
- Whananaki 1
- Whangarei Harbour 1
- Whangarei Quarry Gardens 1
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- Subject/Keywords...
- Date...
- Document604
- Date...
- 1997 30
- 1991 26
- 1990 24
- 1985 20
- 1996 19
- 1984 17
- 1983 16
- 1988 16
- 1998 16
- 1986 13
- 1992 13
- 1987 12
- 2000 12
- 1999 11
- 2003 11
- 1981 10
- 1989 10
- 1993 10
- 2004 10
- 1980 9
- 1994 8
- 2001 8
- 2006 8
- 1975 7
- 1976 7
- 1979 7
- 1982 7
- 2005 7
- 1977 6
- 1978 6
- 1995 6
- 11 February 2014 4
- 2007 4
- 2014 4
- 1967 3
- 1972 3
- 1973 3
- 2002 3
- 1966 2
- 1969 2
- 1971 2
- 1974 2
- 1977/78 2
- 2008 2
- 2009 2
- 1908 1
- 1930's 1
- 1957-1958 1
- 1962 1
- 1963 1
- 1965 1
- 1967-1969 1
- 1978-79 1
- 1984? 1
- 1985-86 1
- 1987? 1
- 1991? 1
- 2 September 1982 1
- 2013 1
- Between 1982 and 2002 1
Show More - Author/Creator...
- Maingay J 48
- Nevin D 35
- Barbara Faithfull 20
- Johnson L 18
- Maingay J 15
- Harlow D 11
- Slocombe A 11
- Robinson J 10
- Best S 8
- Slocombe A 7
- Taylor M 7
- Brassey R 6
- Fredericksen C 6
- Leahy A, Walsh W 6
- Taylor M 6
- Coster J 5
- Davidson J 5
- Delia Gatti 5
- Department of Lands and Survey 5
- Lee J 5
- Phillips C 5
- Rickard V 5
- Challis A 4
- Frederickson C 4
- Lawlor I 4
- Nevin D 4
- Phillips C 4
- Rountree K 4
- Coster J 3
- Coster J, Johnson G 3
- Hensley V 3
- Johnson L 3
- Nevin G and D 3
- Sutton D 3
- Atwell E, G Puch, R Lawn , Spencer J , Puch G, Moore P 2
- Barber I 2
- Best S 2
- Bickler S, Harlow D 2
- Bulmer S 2
- Cassels R 2
- England W, Gillespie P, King P, Sutton D 2
- Enright N, Anderson, M 2
- Fiske T 2
- Fredericksen C 2
- Hodge S 2
- Maingay J, Robinson J 2
- Marshall B 2
- Marshall Y 2
- Mclean M 2
- Nevin G 2
- Nugent J , Bellingham R 2
- Phillips C , Kay R 2
- Pickmere N 2
- Robinson J 2
- Slane C, Grant J 2
- Spencer J 2
- Taylor M, Sutton A 2
- Abbot C 1
- Albert H 1
- Atwell E , Spencer J , Puch G, Moore P 1
- Auckland University 1
- Barber I 1
- Barber I , Hensley V 1
- Barr C 1
- Bartlett J 1
- Batley R 1
- Bay of Islands Planning Ltd 1
- Bedford, S. 1
- Bellingham R, Houba A 1
- Bennion T 1
- Bickler S 1
- Bickler S, Clough R 1
- Bickler S. 1
- Bishop C 1
- Booth 1
- Brassey R, Spring-Rice W 1
- Breese Jo 1
- Bruce I 1
- Bulmer S 1
- Burkhardt T 1
- Calder A 1
- Challis A, Walton A 1
- Chaplin A L 1
- Charles Mitchell and Associates 1
- Clark P, Molloy C 1
- Clarke, D. 1
- Clough & Associates 1
- Clough R 1
- Clough R, Tatton K 1
- Clough, R. 1
- Clunie F 1
- Coates J, Albert H 1
- Coldicutt A 1
- Coster J , Johnson G , Brown W, Heihei A , Robson D , Park S, Edwards B , Norton S, O'Regan G, Pick L 1
- Coster, J. 1
- Cramond B, Niven D 1
- D. D. Millar 1
- Davidson 1
- Dennehy B 1
- Dept Lands and Survey, Auckland 1
- Deverall P, Te Wake H 1
- Dodson J , Enright N , McLean R 1
- Douglas P , Frederickson C 1
- Edwards T 1
- Elliot M 1
- Elliot M B 1
- Ericksen H 1
- Felgate M 1
- Fiske T , Johnson L 1
- Flenley J 1
- Forester L 1
- Fox A 1
- Francombe D, Elton D 1
- Fredericksen, C. 1
- Goodliffe L , Bulmer D 1
- Grace C , Rountree K , Stevenson M 1
- Grace, Rountree, Stevenson, Cassels 1
- Graham G 1
- Green D , Davidson J , Shaw E , Birks L 1
- Green R 1
- Gregory V 1
- H. S. Blackwell 1
- Harrett I 1
- Harris J 1
- Hayes S, Harris C 1
- Hayward B 1
- Hayward B , Brook F 1
- Hayward, Atwell/Puch, Spencer 1
- Hill, K. 1
- Hogarth I 1
- Hougaard M 1
- Irwin G 1
- Jack Lee 1
- Jackson M 1
- Jackson M, Burridge V 1
- Jackson M, Middleton A 1
- Johnson, G. 1
- Johnson, Leigh 1
- Jones 1
- Judge C, Clough R 1
- Katie Reynolds 1
- Kelsey, P.I. 1
- King M 1
- Knobbs 1
- Knott L 1
- Leahy A 1
- Leahy A , Walsh W 1
- Leatherby J, Morgan P 1
- Littleton J , McCracken E 1
- Maingay 1
- Maingay J , Nevin D 1
- Maingay J. 1
- Maingay, J. 1
- Massey University 1
- Matisoo-Smith L 1
- McKay J 1
- Mellor 1
- Mitchell J 1
- Nancy Pickmere 1
- Neil Leslie Cooper 1
- Nester R 1
- Neville L 1
- Nicholls A 1
- Nickerson N 1
- Nobbs K 1
- Oppenheim R 1
- Oppenheim R (ed) 1
- Pack J 1
- Philip Houghton 1
- Phillips C , Foley D 1
- Phillips C, Hilton M 1
- Phillips S, Horwood L 1
- Phillips S, Horwood L, Dwyer V 1
- Pidgeon M, Spencer, J 1
- Pierce J 1
- Pierce R 1
- Plowman M, Clough R 1
- Puch G 1
- R. L. Shepherd 1
- Rae D 1
- Richard Benner 1
- Robinson J , Maingay J 1
- Roe N 1
- Rough P 1
- Rowan G 1
- Rowland M J 1
- Russel P 1
- S. Anderson 1
- S. M. Bartlett 1
- Segedin 1
- Shaw T 1
- Sim, D. Bowman, I 1
- Slocombe A, Maingay J 1
- Smith I 1
- Spencer J, Pidgeon M 1
- St George, J.D. 1
- Striewski B 1
- Stringer L 1
- Sutton D 1
- Sutton D G 1
- Sutton D, Gibbs W 1
- Sutton, D. 1
- Tanner V, Clough R 1
- Tanner V, Harlow D 1
- Taylor 1
- Taylor G 1
- Te Hapua 42 Incorporation 1
- Trounson V 1
- Tubb B, Elton D 1
- Turner, M. 1
- W. J. (Bill) Campbell 1
- Wagener R 1
- Wallace R & Coster J 1
- Walton A 1
- White 1
- Williams C 1
- Wright A, Court A 1
- Young, B. 1
- den Ouden 1
Show More - Publisher/Journal...
- NZHPT 26
- DOC 8
- Northern Archaeological Research 5
- Notes 4
- Waipoua Archaeological Project 3
- Anthropology Dept, University of Auckland 2
- Department of Lands and Survey 2
- Dept of Geography, University of Auckland 2
- For Bay of Islands Maritime and Historic Park 2
- Lands and Survey Department 2
- Paper for Pouerua Symposium, NZAA Conference May 16th 2
- Tane 19 (1973) 2
- Tane 21, 1975 2
- Whangarei city Council 2
- A thesis presented to University of Auckland in partial fulfilment for degree of Master of Philosophy in Anthropology 1
- A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment 1
- Application to the Northland Regional Council Environmental Fund 1
- Archaeological investigation of part lot 9 section 9 Russell township (Kororareka) 1
- Assignment 1
- Auckland Conservancy 1
- Auckland Conservancy, Archaeologist 1
- Auckland Institute and Museum 1
- Auckland Museum 1
- Auckland Waikato Historical Journal No. 64 1
- Barbara Faithfull 1
- Bay of Islands Historical Map 1
- Board Agenda/Correspondence 1
- Book Extract 1
- Conducted for Landcorp 1
- Correspondence 1
- D R Simmons (ed) Auckland Institute and Museum. NZHPT Archaeology, Auckland Region 1
- DOC Science and Research internal report no 17 1
- DOC Science and Research internal report no 28 1
- DOC Science and Research internal report no 70 1
- DOC interim file 1
- Department of Conservation, Northern Region, Auckland 1
- Department of Land and Survey 1
- Department of Lands & Survey, Bay of Islands Maritime and Historic Park Board 1
- Department of Lands and Survey Auckland 1
- Dept Conservation 1
- Dept of Anthropology, University of Auckland 1
- Dept of Biology, Tufts University, USA 1
- Draft Letter 1
- Email 1
- Extract 1
- Extract from Book 1
- Extract. NZHPT 1981-89 1
- Filenote 1
- Full Version 1
- HPT 1
- In 1
- Interviews 1
- Journal of Biogeography 1
- Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Vol 6, No 1 1
- NZ Forest Service 1
- NZHPT Authority No. 1996/103 1
- NZHPT Authority No. 2006/119 1
- NZHPT Te Waimate Mission House 1
- NZHPT, Auckland 1983/1 1
- New Zealand Journal of Archaeology vol 12 5-27 1
- New Zealand Journal of Archaeology, Vol 11 1
- New Zealand Journal of Ecology, Volume 4 1
- Ngatiwai Trust Board 1
- Notes 1
- Notes, Bulletins, 1
- Notes/Comments 1
- Old Land Claims. Chapter 8 1
- Oral Record 1
- Pamplet 1
- Pouto Peninsula. An archaeological perspective 1
- Records of the Auckland Institute and Museum 25 1
- Rokiroki 4, 1-14 1
- Science & Research Series No. 68, DOC 1
- Simpson Shaw & Co. 1
- Tane 20 (1974) 1
- Technical report on the Archaeological and Historical aspects of the Bay of Islands written for the Bay of Islands Harbour Study 1
- To Wendell Taylor & Associates 1
- Various maps, correspondence, notes 1
- Various newspaper articles, correspondence, notes 1
- Various notes 1
- WCC and HPT 1
- Whangarei District Council. NZHPT Authority 2008/1 1
- draft plan 1
- written for the Whangarei Harbour Study 1
Show More - Subject/Keywords...
- Faithfull Photography 37
- 1960s 20
- Parks and reserves 17
- Brides and Babies exhibition 10
- Catalogue 10
- Old Library 10
- Barbara Faithfull 9
- Northern Advocate 9
- Business card 7
- Promotion 7
- Rose Garden Bridal Studio 7
- Parks and reserves management 6
- Archaeological surveying 5
- Letterhead 5
- Wally Faithfull 5
- Babies 4
- Children 4
- Developing and printing 4
- Families 4
- Land tenure 4
- Maori history 4
- McKay Electrical 4
- Nick Randall 4
- Price list 4
- Weddings 4
- Ballet dancers 3
- Cultural 3
- Faithfull Photography Studio 3
- Miscellaneous 3
- Northern Advocate clipping 3
- Sports 3
- Tap dancers 3
- Youth 3
- Amateur photography 2
- Archaeological assessment 2
- Boxing Day 2
- Boyd (Ship) massacre 2
- Choirs 2
- Hail storm 2
- Hananui (Ship) 2
- Historic sites 2
- History 2
- Kamo Coal Mines 2
- Land claims 2
- Marketing 2
- McKay Electrical building 2
- Northland history 2
- Plants 2
- Portraits 2
- Professional photography 2
- Waiwiri (Ship) 2
- Water Street 2
- Whaling 2
- Whaling stations 2
- 1950s 1
- Aerial shots 1
- Buchanan, Robert 1
- Camp sites 1
- Choir 1
- Colour versus black and white 1
- Cook Brothers 1
- Cook family 1
- Cor Groot 1
- Dromedary (Ship) 1
- Electric power 1
- Electricity generation 1
- Emanuel family 1
- Entrepreneurship 1
- Hail Storm 1
- Henare Te Ua 1
- Ikanui, Horiana 1
- Islands 1
- Kapotai Pa 1
- Kimroy Photography 1
- Lady Emily Latimer 1
- Laurie Hall Park 1
- Lighthouse keepers 1
- Lighthouses 1
- Lynnes family 1
- Mana whenua. 1
- Mangroves 1
- Manual camera 1
- Maori customs 1
- Maori legends 1
- Michael Cunningham 1
- Mitchelson Timber Company Mill 1
- Motukura Island 1
- Murder victims 1
- New business enterprises 1
- Nineteen sixties 1
- Northern Advocate 1
- Northland 1
- Northland General Archaeology 1
- Pa sites 1
- Paeroa Pa 1
- Parks 1
- Paru, Harata 1
- Pest control 1
- Place names 1
- Power plants 1
- Price list 1
- Richard Cranenburgh 1
- Silke Groot 1
- Sir Graham Latimer 1
- Soil science 1
- Sports Clubs 1
- Star (Ship) 1
- Te Ara (Maori Chief) d 1827 1
- Tikanga 1
- Trees 1
- Whangape 1
- Whangarei Harbour 1
- Whangarei Library 1
Show More
- Date...
- Document (PDF)1
- Featured Collection2
- Map459
- Publication Date...
- 1980 28
- 1983 26
- 1981 19
- 1984 19
- 1942 18
- 1982 16
- 1966 14
- 1985 12
- 1986 12
- 1978 11
- 1943 9
- 1990 8
- 1979 5
- 1992 5
- 11th November, 1904 4
- 1961 4
- 1987 4
- 1887 3
- 1933 3
- 1944 3
- 1954 3
- 1972 3
- 1975 3
- July, 1983 3
- October, 1972 3
- 1883 [?] 2
- 1941 2
- 1964 2
- 1973 2
- 1988 2
- 1991 2
- 1996 2
- August, 1963 2
- July, 1994 2
- May, 1963 2
- October, 1977 2
- 13th December, 1975 1
- 1860's 1
- 1864 1
- 1866 1
- 1886 1
- 1903 1
- 1917 1
- 1921 1
- 1922? 1
- 1930 1
- 1937 1
- 1945 1
- 1946 1
- 1950 1
- 1955 1
- 1959 1
- 1960s? 1
- 1970 1
- 1971 1
- 1972-76 1
- 1989 1
- 1998 1
- 1st April, 1950 1
- 1st April, 1990 1
- 2003 1
- 2005 1
- 2012 1
- 31st March, 1900 1
- April, 1970 1
- April, 1974 1
- April, 1994 1
- August, 1966 1
- December, 1966 1
- February, 1964 1
- February, 1990 1
- February, 1997 1
- January, 1974 1
- January, 1977 1
- January, 1982 1
- July, 1964 1
- July, 1973 1
- July, 1976 1
- March, 1879 1
- March, 1953 1
- March, 1969 1
- March, 1976 1
- May, 1967 1
- November, 1969 1
- November, 1977 1
- October, 1886 1
- October, 1963 1
- October, 1964 1
- October, 1974 1
- October, 1976 1
- October, 1980 1
- October, 1985 1
- October, 1995 1
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- Wellington, N.Z. 27
- Wellington, N.Z. 23
- Wellington, N.Z. 19
- Wellington, N.Z. 16
- Wellington, N.Z. 11
- Wellington, N.Z. 11
- Whangarei, N.Z. 11
- Whangarei, N.Z. 11
- Wellington, N.Z. 9
- Wellington, N.Z. 9
- Wellington, N.Z. 6
- Wellington, N.Z. 5
- Westmar Consultants Inc. 5
- Department of Lands & Survey, New Zealand 4
- The North Auckland Times 4
- Auckland, N.Z. 3
- Auckland, N.Z. 3
- Wellington, N.Z. 3
- Arcadia Marketing Ltd 2
- Auckland, N.Z. 2
- Auckland, N.Z. 2
- Auckland, N.Z. 2
- Department of Statistics, Wellington, New Zealand 2
- London 2
- Wellington, N.Z. 2
- Wellington, N.Z. 2
- Wellington, N.Z. 2
- Wellington, N.Z. 2
- Wellington, N.Z. 2
- Wellington, N.Z. 2
- Wellington, N.Z. 2
- Wises Publications Limited 2
- Auckland Star 1
- Auckland, N.Z. 1
- Auckland, N.Z. 1
- Auckland, N.Z. 1
- Auckland, N.Z. 1
- Auckland, N.Z. 1
- Auckland, N.Z. 1
- Auckland, N.Z. 1
- Auckland, N.Z. 1
- Auckland, N.Z. 1
- Auckland, N.Z. 1
- Auckland, N.Z. 1
- Department of Lands and Survey NZ 1
- Department of Lands and Survey, New Zealand 1
- Department of Scientific and Industrial Research 1
- Department of Survey and Land Information, New Zealand 1
- Department of Survey and Land information 1
- Land Information New Zealand 1
- Lands & Survey Dept. 1
- Lands and Survey Department Department of Scientific and Industrial Research 1961 Wellington 1
- March 1879. 1
- N.Z. 1
- N.Z. 1
- New Zealand Map & Guide Company, Auckland 1
- New Zealand Survey 1
- Northland Port Corp. Ltd. 1
- Northland Port Corporation 1
- Planning Department, Whangarei City Council 1
- The Whangarei Public Relations Office Calder Printing 1
- Wellington, N.Z. 1
- Wellington, N.Z. 1
- Wellington, N.Z. 1
- Wellington, N.Z. 1
- Wellington, N.Z. 1
- Wellington, N.Z. 1
- Wellington, N.Z. 1
- Wellington, N.Z. 1
- Wellington, N.Z. 1
- Wellington, N.Z. 1
- Wellington, N.Z. 1
- Wellington, N.Z. 1
- Wellington, N.Z. 1
- Wellington, N.Z. 1
- Wellington, N.Z. 1
- Wellington, N.Z. 1
- Wellington, N.Z. 1
- Wellington, N.Z. 1
- Wellington, N.Z. 1
- Wellington, N.Z. 1
- Wellington, N.Z. 1
- Wellington, N.Z. 1
- Wellington, N.Z. 1
- Wellington, N.Z. 1
- Wellington, N.Z. 1
- Wellington, N.Z. 1
- Whangarei County Council 1
- Whangarei District Council 1
- Whangarei Orienteering Club 1
- Whangarei Public Relations Office 1
- Whangarei, N.Z. 1
- Whangarei, N.Z. 1
- Whangarei, N.Z. 1
- Winefred Mumford 1
- Wises NZ Map and Guide Company 1
- [196?] 1
Show More - Collections...
- Publication Date...
- Organisation3
- Person18
- Photo727
- Location...
- Whau Valley Dam 157
- Ngunguru 12
- Lower Vine Street 1
- Marsden Point 1
- Whangarei 1
- Location...
- Plans & Drawings (Architectural)63
- Date...
- 20th July, 2004 5
- 1997 4
- 1 January 1997 3
- 1972 3
- 1984 2
- February, 1971 2
- 1881 1
- 1883 1
- 1907 ? 1
- 1922 1
- 1971 1
- 1974 1
- 1982 1
- 1st October, 1972 1
- 2002 1
- 9th January, 1984 1
- August 1971 1
- December 1989 1
- May, 1996 1
- October, 1972 1
- c 1875 1
Show More - Publisher...
- Whangarei City Corporation 6
- Jasmax Architects 5
- LA4 Landscape Architects 3
- Whangarei, N.Z. 3
- Gary D. Beasley, Architectural Designer A.D.N.Z. 2
- Bowering Harrison & Associates 1
- Bowering and Harrison Architects, Whangarei 1
- E.T. Smith Sinclair McNaught & Partners Ltd 1
- Gary D. Beasley, Architectural Designer A.D.N.Z. 1
- Grant Group Architects 1
- Hikurangi Coal Company Ltd. 1
- Wellington, N.Z. 1
- Whangarei, N.Z. 1
- Whangarei, N.Z. 1
Show More
- Date...
- Publication160
- Subject/Keywords...
- Northern Advocate 34
- A & P 19
- A and P 18
- Mr Holyoake 2
- NZ Herald 2
- Ranfurly Shield 2
- The Daily Post 2
- Northern Advocate 1
- 1940 1
- A an P 1
- Auckland Centennial 1
- Australia and New Zealand Pulp and Paper Industry Tehcnical Association 1
- Boatbuilding 1
- Centennial 1
- City status 1
- Council 1
- Dairying 1
- Dolphins 1
- Early settlers 1
- Fishing 1
- Forestry 1
- Goats 1
- Horticulture 1
- Hydrophonics 1
- Irrigation 1
- Kerikeri 1
- Laurie Hill Park 1
- Marsden Point 1
- Maungatapere 1
- Memorial 1
- Mr Nash 1
- New Northern Advocate building 1
- New Zealand Friesian Association 1
- New Zealand Romney Sheep Breeders' Association 1
- Northern Advertiser 1
- Official opening 1
- Opo (Dolphin) 1
- Prime Minister 1
- Resources 1
- The Northern Advocate 1
- The Whangarei Comet 1
- Tourism 1
- Weekend Magazine 1
- Whangarei Winter Exhibition 1
- Wilsons (N.Z.) Portland Cement Ltd. 1
Show More
- Subject/Keywords...
- Publication PDF1417
- Date...
- 2011 2
- Publisher/Journal...
- Date...
- Scrapbook316
- Author/Creator...
- Garry Frew 158
- Florence Keene 137
- Author/Creator...
- Series30
- Video3
Show More
- Geotags 363
- OCR 3082
- Recollections/Stories 10
- Tags/Captions 160
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